
Sunday, April 28, 2013

3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

Alright, tonight we made peanut butter cookies, and they were so yummy! What I love about them is that they're super easy to make and they take hardly no time at all!

Ingredients: (for one Dozen)
1 Cup of Peanut Butter
1 Cup of Sugar
1 Egg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together, and drop by spoonfuls onto a greased cookie sheet. (Or you can line the cookie sheet with parchment paper). Next put into the oven and let bake until they look done. (i.e. they will have risen a little). The cookies will be very soft, but will harden as they cool. If you let them get too brown while in the oven, otherwise they will be too brown.

Friday, April 26, 2013

We got a cat!


                Around our neighborhood, we have a lot of stray cats. We always see them walking around the yards. Well a couple of weeks ago, we saw that a cat had had a liter of five kittens in our back yard, around some tires that we have. Once we found them we tried to keep it a secret so that they would be left alone and none of the kids would mess with them. There were two orange ones, two grey one, and just one black one. And we had thrown around the idea of getting a cat before, we had just never went and actually bought one.

        The kids were all hoping that we might be able to keep one. And we all wanted an orange one. (including my mom)  About four days ago the mother cat left and took all of her kittens and left the little black one to it's self. A day went by and we heard the cat making noises but we couldn't see it, and there wasn't any point in looking for it if we couldn't keep it. Another day went by and the cat was still meowing. So, yesterday, my mom asked my dad (who was gone for the week for work at the time) if we could give it some milk since it obviously wasn't going anywhere.  My dad said yes. Sydney (who was more eager to do this than I've seen her to do anything) started rummaging and moving the tires around to find it. She found it and when she did it was shivering because it was cold. It was too little to lap up the milk so we have to give it milk through an eye dropper.

       If anybody saw Faith with this cat you would think it was hers. She's always picking it up and trying to play with it. When we first started taking care of it yesterday, not five minutes after we started feeding it, Faith said "I love you!" She is very attached to it and we've only had it for two days. Shiloh, however is not, and she backs up and runs away anytime it's near her. She is getting better though!

            After feeding it yesterday, my mom called my dad again to see if we could keep it, and when he said yes; they kids were super excited!! I don't think I've seen them that excited about something like this. So today we decided to call it Pepper and I think we will take it to the vet soon.