This week's craft is a Coffee filter flower! I found this tutorial on Pinterest.
To make this flower you will need:
*hula hoop (however big you desire your flower to be)
*One pack of Coffee filters
*Hot glue gun and extra glue sticks
*Material flower to put in the center (I made mine but these can be bought at a fabric store or Wal-Mart)
1. While the glue gun is heating up, flatten out the coffee filters.(You don't want them to be totally flat because you also want the flower to be full)
2. If you want, you can take all of the rocks out of the hula-hoop so it doesn't make noise. Once the glue gun is heated up, start gluing the coffee filters onto the hula- hoop.
3. Next glue another coffee filter on top of the first.
4. Do this all the way around the hula-hoop. When you come full circle, start doing it in a spiral fashion, gluing onto the coffee filters instead of the hoop. Continue until the whole flower is complete.
5. Next take you material flower and place in the middle.
7. All that's left to do is hang it on your wall!
There you go! If you want you can spray it with spray glitter or spray paint. (Note: I haven't tried it!) If you have any questions please leave a comment! -Kayla <3